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Izobraževanje o uporabi interaktivnih zaslonov

Na Arnesu v sodelovanju z dobaviteljem interaktivnih zaslonov – Acord – pripravljamo izobraževanje o uporabi interaktivnih zaslonov VIEWSONIC. Izobraževanje bo potekalo v dveh terminih. Prvi bo namenjen predvsem informatikom in ravnateljem, udeležbo na drugem terminu pa priporočamo učiteljem in profesorjem, tudi če ne uporabljajo interaktivnega zaslona. Izobraževanji boste lahko spremljali na...

CSM Review of 37832 - The Lost City

CSM Review of 37832 - The Lost City Positive gender representation No Tara McNamara Fri, 02/11/2022 - 17:20 Language English Content Grid Type Positive Messages Rating 4 Rating Text You are the author of...

CSM Review of 6345294 - Marry Me

Full Review Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022Families can talk about...: Families can talk about the romantic comedy formula and how Marry Me supports or defies the genre's standard storytelling. The movie was adapted from a graphic novel in which the pop princess is young, shallow, and White, and the guy in the crowd goes along with the marriage because he thinks if he turns her down, he'll be...

2022 Oscar-Nominated Films

Introductory Text: Camera flashes, glitzy fashion, the famed red carpet! It's nearly time for one of the biggest nights in Hollywood: the 94th Academy Awards ceremony. Filmmakers, actors, film crews, and fans get together to celebrate the best of the best movies from the previous year. Below you'll find a list of nominated films, from "Best Picture" to "Best in Makeup and Hairstyling." Read...