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CSM Review of 6103735 - The Biggest Little Farm

Full Review Date: Friday, May 10, 2019Families can talk about...: Families can talk about the messages in The Biggest Little Farm. Are the Chesters inspiring? Does the documentary make you want to be more mindful about food and farming? How do the Chesters and their team exemplify perseverance and teamwork? Why are those important character strengths? How can families work on those traits? How...

CSM Review of 6103725 - Tolkien

Full Review Date: Friday, May 10, 2019Families can talk about...: Families can talk about Tolkien's violence. How do the brutal war scenes affect the rest of the movie? Do they seem necessary or gratuitous? Do all types of movie violence have the same impact? How is drinking portrayed? Does the movie make drinking seem appealing or cool? Are there consequences? Why is that important? How does...

“Zahtevamo odlične učitelje …

… ki jim je biti učitelj poslanstvo.” Pod tem motom je potekalo srečanje civilne pobude Kakšno šolo hočemo. Srečanje je bilo 9. aprila v prostorih Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. Udeleženci so v štirih omizjih poslušali uvodne nagovore, ki so jih pripravili Silvo Koželj, Vaniya Manevski, Nataša Lenarčič, Metka Trček in Jožica Frigelj. Nagovore in delavnico po njih je...