Novice iz drugih virov

Spletni tečaji za uspešno izobraževanje na daljavo

Učitelji morajo uporabiti drugačne pristope, če želijo med izobraževanjem na daljavo zagotoviti višjo raven aktivnega sodelovanja in visoko stopnjo motiviranosti učencev. Ker se na Arnesu zavedajo, da je izobraževanje na daljavo za učitelje zelo zahtevno s tehničnega in organizacijskega vidika, so za vas pripravili različne množične odprte spletne tečaje – MOST. Z njihovo pomočjo se boste...

CSM Review of 6261932 - To All the Boys: Always and Forever

Full Review Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2021Families can talk about...: Families can talk about how To All the Boys: Always and Forever differs from or follows on the previous two films in the franchise. Do the characters' stories make sense based on the past films? Is their future what you expected? Have you heard of the colleges the seniors in the film have applied to? Do you have any...

CSM Review of 6261697 - The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

Full Review Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2021Families can talk about...: Families can talk about the idea of the time anomaly in The Map of Tiny Perfect Things. What other films have you watched with this central idea? How did this film compare to those? If you were stuck living the same day over and over again, what would you do? How do the characters demonstrate perseverance? Why is this an...