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CSM User Review of 6078494 - Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

I think it's for kids: 10Tell other families what you think: I am a big Star Wars fan and really enjoyed The Rise of Skywalker. True - it was very much a film dedicated to fan service, but i dont consider that a bad thing. The humor in the film gave it a vibe that it wasnt taking itself too seriously and it worked to offset the quest like plot. Is it a riviting, daring movie? No. Is it a...

CSM Review of 6078494 - Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Full Review Date: Thursday, December 19, 2019Families can talk about...: Families can talk about the violence in Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Do scenes of explosions and space battles affect you differently than those of close-up, one-on-one lightsaber duels and killings? Why do you think that is? What makes more of an impact: violence or loss? Why? How does this movie handle...

CSM Review of 6137697 - Cats

Full Review Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2019Families can talk about...: Families can talk about some of Cats' major themes, including the idea of an underdog getting a new beginning. In what ways are Victoria and Grizabella given a new beginning within this movie? What are some of the obstacles that they overcome? Though a kitten, Victoria has a compassionate heart. In what ways does...

Vesele praznike in srečno 11111100100

S prestopnim letom 2020 se bo začelo novo desetletje. Vanj stopamo skupaj z vami, pripravljeni na nove izzive. Še vedno bomo znanje z veseljem prenašali naprej in reševali izzive, ki nastajajo pri rabi novih tehnologij in storitev. Želimo vam vesele praznike in povezano leto 11111100100. Obveščamo vas tudi, da bo Arnes 24. in 31. decembra 2019 delal s skrajšanim delovnim časom do 12. ure.

CSM Review of 6145608 - 1917

Full Review Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2019Families can talk about...: Families can talk about World War I. How was it different from other wars? How have you seen it depicted in the media before? How does 1917 compare? Did you find the movie's violence realistic? How does the impact of this kind of violence compare to what you might see in a horror or superhero movie? Why do you think the...