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CSM Review of 6157870 - The Rhythm Section

Full Review Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020Families can talk about...: Families can talk about the violence in The Rhythm Section. How does realistic violence impact viewers differently than stylized violence? Who, if anyone, is a role model in the movie? Do movies have to feature characters who are role models? Why do you think so many movies choose to tell stories about revenge? What makes...

CSM Review of 6157855 - Gretel & Hansel

Full Review Date: Friday, January 31, 2020Families can talk about...: Families can talk about Gretel & Hansel's violence. How much is shown and/not shown? How did it make you feel? What's the impact of media violence on kids? Is the movie scary? What's the appeal of horror movies? How does this movie compare to the fairy tale? Why do we tell fairy tales, and why are they passed on from...

Jiři Bezlaj: Kip je vzbrstelo seme kamna

V Mestni galeriji Ljubljana se izteka pregledna razstava Jiřija Bezlaja, gimnazijskega profesorja, akademskega kiparja, pisatelja, pesnika in pravljičarja. Njegov kamniti opus obsega kipe cvetov, žuželk, stopal, kiklopov, torzov, vozlov itd. V petdesetih letih delovanja je na kiparskem področju ustvaril številne kiparske serije in cikle, s katerimi je prepoznavno zaznamoval slovensko...

CSM Review of 6157669 - The Turning

Full Review Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020Families can talk about...: Families can talk about what makes for a good horror film. What elements does The Turning have that make it horror? Is the violence necessary to tell the story? Why do you think big estates are often featured in horror films? What makes them so easy to be frightened of -- and in? Why do you think this adaptation is set in...

CSM Review of 6157373 - The Gentlemen

Full Review Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020Families can talk about...: Families can talk about the role of guns The Gentlemen. Do you agree with how they're portrayed? What's the impact of media violence on kids? How are drugs depicted here? Are there consequences for their use? Why does that matter? Would you say any of the characters here are "good" or bad?" Do you think it's more...